*PalladiumPaul’s Blog

Side Door Jazz show – and the Side Door itself – earn some raves – with more great shows this weekend

BayPop writer Eric Snider reviewed Thursday night’s Side Door show, which featured New York jazz artists Nicki Parrott and Rossano Sportiello and Eddie Metz Jr. Read the review below or click on this link to visit the BayPop site: http://www.baypop.com/ Jazz Artist Parrott Charms the Side Door at the Palladium[…]

Online music ‘zine – BayPop – gives the Palladium a rave – citing new sound, great artists and Side Door. Check it out!

You can read the full story below or click to read it at the BayPop site: http://www.baypop.com/a-new-day-at-the-palladium/ A NEW DAY AT THE PALLADIUM By Eric Snider Jan. 9, 2013 For years, the Palladium Theater on the fringes of downtown St. Petersburg served as a venue for local performing arts groups[…]

Damon Fowler’s new project – Southern Hospitality – rocks the Palladium’s Side Door Cabaret this Friday and Saturday

Palladium audiences already love Damon Fowler – and this weekend they get to hear Damon’s newest project – Southern Hospitality – a collaboration between Damon, Florida guitarist J.P. Soars and Memphis keyboardist Victor Wainwright. The five-piece band will be appearing two nights in our intimate Side Door Cabaret and tickets[…]

Last season’s holiday hit, Seasonal Sparkle, returns for two nights as the Palladium wraps up 2012 with St. Pete Opera

Working at the Palladium has some real advantages for a music lover like myself. This week, my treat has been listening to the rehearsals for Seasonal Sparkle, the St. Petersburg Opera holiday production. Yesterday, I got to hear the St. Petersburg Opera orchestra rehearse under the baton of Maestro Mark[…]

Ken Peplowski, Chuck Redd and Sharon Scott highlight Nate Najar’s holiday jazz celebration Saturday at the Palladium

We’ve got some great holiday traditions at the Palladium – like Black Nativity and the St. Petersburg Ballet’s Nutcracker – but for our jazz audience, December always means the Nate Najar Holiday Show. Our favorite jazz guitarist – who lives in St. Pete when he’s not on the road –  has been[…]

Creative Loafing critic Mark Leib gives Wit a 5-star rating; Don’t miss this show running ’till Sunday at the Palladium

Creative Loafing Theater Critic Mark Leib loved the American Stage production of Wit, currently running through this Sunday on the Palladium main-stage. He gives the show a five-star rating – the highest he offers. He joins other critics, like John Fleming in raving about this show. Tickets are available through[…]

Tampa Bay Times gives Wit a rave review; Catch the American Stage show this week at the Palladium

Times theater critic John Fleming calls the American Stage production of Wit, currently running on the Palladium’s main stage, “good medicine.” The show has heart and humor, a powerful main character and a great supporting cast. The production is a partnership between American Stage, St. Petersburg College Theater Program and the Palladium[…]

Grant Peeples says he’s leaving the road, but making one last trip to the Palladium for his famous Bob Dylan tribute show

Everybody’s favorite Left-Neck singer/songwriter, Grant Peeples, is bringing his Bob Dylan tribute show to our area for the first time. Grant and five other bands will be doing more than two hours worth of Bob tunes at the Palladium on Friday, Oct. 12 at 8 p.m.   These shows – Bob Night: All Bob Dylan,[…]

Cast of Sweeney Todd sing their Broadway faves during a cabaret night at the Side Door this Friday

We’ve got something very special this Friday in the Side Door – St. Petersbug Opera is presenting a night Broadway songs by the principal singers in their upcoming production of Sweeney Todd. Tickets are available through SPO. Here’s an excerpt from the SPO’s newsletter about the show: What’s your favorite[…]

Trombone Shorty, Dickey Betts and Jonny Lang headline Blues Fest; Palladium again the site for “after-shows”

New Orleans bandleader Trombone Shorty, former Allman Brothers Band guitarist Dickey Betts and blues whiz Jonny Lang lead the bill for the 2013 Tampa Bay Blues Festival. Tab Benoit, Curtis Salgado, Lucky Peterson, Rod Piazza and the Mighty Flyers and the Royal Southern Brotherhood featuring Mike Zito, Devon Allman and[…]

Kenny Wayne Shepherd Rocks the House!

This past Wednesday, the blues-infused rock of the one and only bluesmaster Kenny Wayne Shepherd and his band rocked Hough Hall, brought to our stage by good folks at The Mahaffey Foundation.By the time the band was halfway through its set, they had most of the house on their feet.[…]

Damon Fowler is back at the Side Door this weekend; Set the table with this tasty interview from BluesWax Mag

To get yourself ready for Damon Fowler’s rockin’ return to the  Palladium’s Side Door Cabaret this Friday (Aug. 24), and Saturday (Aug. 25), check out this 2011 interview from BluesWax Magazine. For tickets and more info on the Side Door shows, visit www.mypalladium.org. BluesWax Sittin’ In With Damon Fowler By[…]

Guitar legend Steve Vai will be shredding for a sold-out crowd in the intimate confines of the Palladium this week

Steve Vai, an undisputed guitar god, will play close-up and personal in the Palladium’s imtimate Hough Hall this Thursday night. There may be one or two tickets remaining, but the show is essentially sold-out. To get you prepared, check out this article from Premier Guitar magazine called “Interview: Steve Vai –[…]

Finally they are here! Tampa Bay favorites – and my personal favorite – Halcyon plays the Side Door this Friday

During the ’90s, before I left Tampa for Ann Arbor, Berlin and Los Angeles (a long story), my favorite bay area band was Halcyon. Deb Hunseder and Steph Callahan’s harmonies, their original songs and great covers, quickly built a strong local following. It didn’t hurt that they also had big personalities that[…]

Read this great update on SPC’s MIRA Program from the Creative Pinellas website

St. Petersburg College’s Music Industry and Recording Arts Program is a big part of all our shows at the Palladium. We have student interns working with our tech crews, learning the business hands-on. For a great update on this program, check out this post: http://www.articulatesuncoast.com/bloggers/dr-david-manson/26-dr-david-manson/51-program-redefines-music-education

Palladium’s landmark status makes news in the Tampa Bay Times

The Palladium, built as a church in the 1920s,  was featured in a Tampa Bay Times story today on historic preservation. The Palladium received a landmark designation from the City of St. Petersburg earlier this month. To read the entire story click on this link: – http://www.tampabay.com/news/localgovernment/palladium-theater-is-designated-st-petersburg-historic-landmark/1234968

This just in: Pundits, politicos and state and national television shows are coming to the Palladium and SPC this summer

Two big televised political events are coming to the Palladium this summer which will bring statewide and national exposure to the theater and St. Petersburg College. * Tampa Bay Times, Bay News 9 and FPBS are partnering to produce a U.S. Senate Republican Debate for Florida voters on Thursday, July 26 –[…]

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